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Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Why brands and businesses are better served by human-written content than AI-generated content


The advent of Generative AI tools like ChatGPT and Google Gemini has seen brands and businesses worldwide turn to AI to create content.  The move seems logical as these seem to be able to create what appears to be extremely well-written content in moments, freeing marketing managers and business owners with the necessity of giving extensive briefs to their content writers, only to have them turn out content that often needs many iterations to finally reach a stage where it is ready for dissemination.

But are things really all that wonderful with using Generative AI to create content for businesses, or is this the entirely wrong way for a business to go about its business of creating content? According to Neil Patel, one of the foremost authorities on digital marketing in the world, human content performs better than AI content.[1] According to a study conducted by his team, human-generated content fared 5.44 times better in generating traffic than AI-generated content. It also found that every minute spent writing by humans received 4.10 visitors to 3.25 in the case of AI-generated content.  Patel attributed the superior performance of human-generated content on account of it being better with regard to emotion and context.

What is important to understand about writing great content is the fact that while Generative AI's ability to put across complex information in an easy-to-comprehend manner might be extraordinarily good, it is also important that it be done in the kind of language that resonates with the target audience in question. It is humans who are better at doing so, as unlike AI, they can truly know where their audience is coming from and contextualize the content for them. This is something that Generative AI struggles with as it is not adept at asking the right questions as it has lived experience and is totally bereft of emotional intelligence.

AI writing might be smart and efficient, but it lacks personality. It is more like the Nazi army’s blitzkrieg across Europe in the Second World War. Human writing on the other hand can be likened to Churchill’s, “We shall fight from the beaches--- speech.” We all know who finally won that epic war.


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