Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Monday, November 5, 2018
Friday, October 26, 2018
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Saturday, September 29, 2018
Wednesday, September 5, 2018
Thursday, August 23, 2018
Three Technology Trends Impacting the Future of Agile Remote Teams
Agile remote teams are an integral part of today’s
employment scenario. This is no longer a subject of debate, for it has come to
be recognized as a sign of the times across industries. What’s of interest is the shape it is taking
in today’s increasingly digitized work environment. Let’s look at three emerging trends that
indicate the shape of things to come.
Reimagining the Very Nature of Work
We are living in what is known as the on-demand economy where advances in technology have allowed individuals and organizations to connect and liaise in ways that were unimaginable not all that time ago. According to the U.S. Census, the number of companies with zero employees has gone up from 18.7 million in 2003 to 23 million in 2013, including employees earning a living as independent contractors[1].
Similarly, other independent
research found that the number of workers in what was termed "alternate
arrangements" increased by 6% between 2005 and 2015. It is quite evident
that in the coming years, individuals will increasingly come forward to offer
services as independent contractors to an ever-growing customer base.
What we know as the gig economy
will grow to encompass the personal services economy. This encompasses things
like food delivery and personal transportation. This type of employment could
be more in the shape of secondary or temporary jobs, in light of the fact that
increasing automation may make it possible for these service providers to hire
fewer people.
is the Key to Getting Tasks and Goals Accomplished
Collaboration as a means to solve business problems and enhance productivity is here to stay. This makes it necessary for organizations to strategically leverage knowledge, across their resources. They can do this, by way of seamless and organically evolved collaborative tools that substantially enhance the remote employees’ ability to work together at superior levels of efficiency.
A key factor in this is the
evolution of communications tools that empower people to create their own
unique content, rather than rely on standard templates. At the same time, they
need the kind of tools that enable them to connect across the organizations and
leverage their intellectual prowess, as also receive insights from their
colleagues. A case in point is the many VR and AR tools used by field services
personnel to communicate with their operations team.
Flexibility Driving Productivity
There is evidence provided by research that workplace flexibility is directly proportionate to productivity. However, for this to be practically viable on a consistent basis, something needs to be taken care of. The most significantly important thing that an organization can do for their remote employees is, cross-train them.
will help them acquire a myriad of skills that will not only lead to the
optimal utilization of their services within the organization but also enhance
their productivity elsewhere. A pilot flexibility project carried out by a
banking/financial services company found that there were marked improvements in
various performance indicators. These included planning(37%), cross
training(26%), more efficient workflow processes(21%) and more productive
findings were reported from a major U.S. Retail Store that offered flexibility
to hourly workers and by Marriott which reported that workplace flexibility led
to a substantial drop in low-value work.[2]
[1] https://www.nap.edu/read/24649/chapter/6#81
[2] http://workplaceflexibility.bc.edu/need/need_employers_performance
Saturday, August 11, 2018
Exercise Body and Mind to Stay Fit in Both
There’s an old adage that says practice makes perfect. Never
were truer words spoken. Ask any super achiever from any field of endeavor
about the secret behind their success and they will all attribute it to one
thing- hard work. The harder you work at anything, the better you will get at
it. This is as true of a Nobel prize winning scientist, as it is of an Olympic
gold medalist.
The difference between a genius and an average person lies
in the fact that the former worked much harder to get where he or she reached.
Somebody rightly said that genius is one present inspiration and 99%
perspiration. The mind and the body may appear very different, but are not
really. The more you use them the better they perform for you. If you use them
way too little, they will atrophy.
If you go to a gym regularly and exercise specific sets of
muscles, you are able to develop them and cause them to increase in size. Similarly
if you use your brain in a certain way that suits your purpose, you create
newer neural pathways that help you get better and better at doing it. Do you realize
the profound implication of this fact? You can be who you want to be!
You want a six pack body or an hour glass figure-you have
got it. You want to get admission in Wharton or University of Pennsylvania-you
have got it. But only if you are ready to exercise your body and mind
respectively in a manner that lets you become excellent at what you want and
get it.
If you are somebody just starting off in your career or a
middle aged person who hasn’t made much headway in life, don’t get intimidated
by how good or naturally great the super achievers of the world are. That is
all stuff and nonsense. They were all nervous and unsure of themselves at one
time as you are. Any flesh and bones person would be. There are no super heroes
in real life.
But where they were different was in exercising their body
and mind in a manner that they got to be the best in whatever they did. A young
corporate lawyer with fire in his or her belly would read as many books about
corporate law as possible. They would talk to senior lawyers, their clients,
retired judges-anybody who would help them get better at their job.
An aspiring Olympian similarly would spend long hours
training at the gym, talking to his coach, past athletes and Olympians and just
about anyone who would help him or her get closer to their goal.
Observe anybody they call a go-getter or a live wire. These
are more often than not, no different from anyone else, but what sets them
apart is their energy level and enthusiasm. There’s something magnetic and
arresting about them. How do you think they get that way-by practice, of
course. The same way that a quantum physicist perfects his or her research or a
trapeze artist his or her moves.
Sure one’s background, upbringing and financial status play
an important part. But they don’t play an unlimited part. What you want to make
of your life plays the most important part. If you haven’t ever seriously
thought about what you want from life, you should now. Because you can be what
you think.
This is not fantasy or wishful thinking. Right at this
moment there are hundreds of thousands of people or possibly millions dreaming seemingly
impossible dreams, yet doing everything to make them possible. And you know
what- most of them will achieve them! The ones who don’t are the ones who would
have stopped practicing and exercising to fulfill their dreams.
The power of persistence is enormous. Just like the action of
wind and water over millions of years can wear down a mighty mountain and cut a
valley or canyon through it, the persistence that you show in striving towards
your career and other life goals will yield similar results. There is one
difference though in the case of humans. We practice and hone our skills
intelligently and not just by mindless repetitions.
This means that after you have learnt one lesson, you
progress to the next one. If you are training at the gym, you don’t just do
cardio exercises, you alternate those with weight training. As you become
better at your routine you make the degree of difficulty higher. Similarly if
you are studying to be a physicist you may start with simple principles of
physics and then go on to study quantum physics. You study hard, and evolve and
don’t just stay at the same level.
Both your body and mind possess the ability to learn and
grow. You should take advantage of that ability to achieve your dreams. All the
same you should remember that it is all very well to talk about constant
practice and hard work, but very difficult to implement it. There are bound to
be failures along the way. An athlete may lose a race or two or a scholar may
fare badly in a test. That should not mean that you become very tough with
yourself and internalize all the blame.
Learn from your failures and get better. That way your failures too will
add value to your efforts.
Also never try to do everything at once. You need that Adonis
or Venus body; you will have to work very hard for a long time to get there.
You want that PhD in quantum physics? Won’t happen unless you work long and
hard hours to substantiate your research.
Another thing that you have got to remember in learning over a period of
time is to vary the routine. Try a different set of exercises or read a book by
a different author. Get a fresh perspective on how to better hone your skills.
No matter how well you are already doing set yourself
further goals to achieve in a time bound manner. This will keep you in a focused
and target oriented zone. That’s why organizations set targets. Humans need the
challenge of a target to put their best foot forward or they are prone to
procrastinate and postponement.
The human mind and body are like water. They need movement
to stay healthy. Just like stagnant water goes bad and moving water cleans and
rejuvenates itself the human mind and body thrive in a state of action. The
very physiology of the human body is like that. As long as the organs function
and the blood flows in the veins a person is alive and well. The moment all the
action stops a human being is no longer alive.
As long as you understand this basic rhythm of human life
and always strive to be better than before you will achieve greater and greater
heights. Just remember to keep shifting the goal posts or you will end up doing
more of the same thing. Exercise and practice is something that should never
end till your last day on earth. If you are a senior reading this take heed.
You need to strive to get better as much as a much younger person does. Set
goals that are appropriate for your age and work hard to achieve them. It may
be something as simple as going for a long walk every morning to stave off
disease or learning to play a musical instrument-something that could help
prevent Alzheimer’s.
Human life is a rare gift that we have received and if we
are not making full use of it due to lack of effort, we really are not worth
it. There is so much you can achieve-wealth, glory, fame, adulation, love,
respect and so on, if we put our heart and soul to it. If we don’t then we are
losers in the truest sense.
This is not a lecture in ethics and morality, but a
practical guide to finding great success in life. There is no rocket size
involved here-just the willingness to practice and exercise the body and mind.
It is as simple as that. If you learn to discipline your body and mind and
accustom them to the rigors of practice and exercise, there will hardly be
anything that you will not be able to achieve.
You may not be able to colonise Mars, but short of that you would be
pretty much good to take a shot at everything else. Never ever underestimate
yourself. You are just as wonderfully endowed as the shining examples of
success you hear about every day. Its time you became one yourself. If you want
to you will.
Friday, July 13, 2018
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
What Will Artificial Intelligence Be Like In 100 Years?
We have been fed on a steady stream of fictional information and imagery about what wicked aliens and extraterrestrials with extraordinary powers could do to poor hapless human in countless sci fi tales since the days of HG Wells. Of late the attention has turned closer home, what with artificial intelligence technology making an ubiquitous entry into our daily lives, thanks to smartphones, digital assistants, Uber, Google Maps and what not. While many worry about their jobs, there are those who talk about an existential crisis in the works. They fearfully point out the fact that AI is inching closer to the Rubicon and the day is not far, when they will control us!
Alarmist propaganda aside, there is no doubt about the fact that the induction of AI into all kinds of processes, activities and products is causing seminal changes in our lives. Of course, we have no choice but to accept these wholeheartedly, on account of the sheer advantages of doing so. But think for a moment, where this wholesale adoption of AI will take us. What will artificial intelligence be like in 100 years?
Let's think this one through rationally and not give in to irrational fear mongering. Till date there has been no evidence to show that artificial intelligence has in any way proven detrimental to human beings, the dire warnings of eminent scientists like Stephen Hawking notwithstanding. Let us assume that AI evolves and ushers in a whole new paradigm of living for us. What would such a scenario appear to be like.
Elimination of every problem known to mankind- According to some experts computers will equal human level intelligence sometime in the middle of this century. That really will be the tipping point. Artificial intelligence will likely be able to find smart and practical solutions for every major and small problem faced by humans including hunger, disease, environmental degradation, inequitable distribution of economic resources, transportation gridlocks, housing, and everything else that you can think of.
Humans will live in a kinder, nicer, and nurturing environment- Already social media and digital assistants have shown us how we can leverage technology to emotionally connect with each other. A hundred years from now for instance, humans won't face the problem of having to take care of lonely and neglected seniors. They would likely be quite content in the company of machines that would be their friends, companions and counselors rolled into one.
Work will become redundant- Humans won't have to work in a hundred years of now. The machines using their enhanced artificial intelligence would manage everything in the most optimal manner. For the first time in their history, mankind will experience leisure in the truest sense. What they would do with endless leisure time could be the subject of a PhD thesis? A hundred years from now the machines would probably have figured out what that could be. That in itself is a sobering thought and lends credence to the fears of the likes of Hawking and Elon Musk(who had also expressed his misgiving about unregulated growth of AI) Would we have ceded our control to the machines to decide what is best for us or would we still have oversight?
In any case, it is fascinating to imagine, what mankind would do with endless leisure. Engage in endless sport and gaming, dive deeper and deeper into the realm of philosophy or engage in further scientific research in collaboration with the machines to find out the greatest possible extent of human achievement? Would humans and machines together embark upon inter-stellar expansion and colonization or would they be happy with their earthly utopia?
Humans will integrate with machines- This is not as scary as it sounds. We are already relying on our smart phones for a host of things which needed us to get out of the house and physically take care of- things like banking, shopping, entertainment, even participating in international conferences. Hundred years from now it will be normal for human to integrate with machines on both a physical and mental level. We will have developed abilities and functions that would be truly super human by today's standards.
Technology would have made us oblivious to injury and disease by augmenting and enhancing our limbs and organs, giving us extraordinary physical capabilities. The coming together of augmented reality, artificial intelligence, robotics, neuroscience and a slew of yet to be discovered technologies will bring us as close to an almost god-like existence as is possible. It will be a time when the virtual and real world will merge and become one. All the computer imagery that you might create would be real for you to experience.
Humans will achieve immortality- The eternal human quest for immortality will likely find fruition a century from now, albeit in a virtual form. But then there would be no distinction between the real and the virtual in that world. You would upload your consciousness, the sum of your memories and your very essence into the virtual world and live for an eternity. At to what sort of social consequences that could lead to could be the subject of a sci fi novel!
Alarmist propaganda aside, there is no doubt about the fact that the induction of AI into all kinds of processes, activities and products is causing seminal changes in our lives. Of course, we have no choice but to accept these wholeheartedly, on account of the sheer advantages of doing so. But think for a moment, where this wholesale adoption of AI will take us. What will artificial intelligence be like in 100 years?
Let's think this one through rationally and not give in to irrational fear mongering. Till date there has been no evidence to show that artificial intelligence has in any way proven detrimental to human beings, the dire warnings of eminent scientists like Stephen Hawking notwithstanding. Let us assume that AI evolves and ushers in a whole new paradigm of living for us. What would such a scenario appear to be like.
Elimination of every problem known to mankind- According to some experts computers will equal human level intelligence sometime in the middle of this century. That really will be the tipping point. Artificial intelligence will likely be able to find smart and practical solutions for every major and small problem faced by humans including hunger, disease, environmental degradation, inequitable distribution of economic resources, transportation gridlocks, housing, and everything else that you can think of.
Humans will live in a kinder, nicer, and nurturing environment- Already social media and digital assistants have shown us how we can leverage technology to emotionally connect with each other. A hundred years from now for instance, humans won't face the problem of having to take care of lonely and neglected seniors. They would likely be quite content in the company of machines that would be their friends, companions and counselors rolled into one.
Work will become redundant- Humans won't have to work in a hundred years of now. The machines using their enhanced artificial intelligence would manage everything in the most optimal manner. For the first time in their history, mankind will experience leisure in the truest sense. What they would do with endless leisure time could be the subject of a PhD thesis? A hundred years from now the machines would probably have figured out what that could be. That in itself is a sobering thought and lends credence to the fears of the likes of Hawking and Elon Musk(who had also expressed his misgiving about unregulated growth of AI) Would we have ceded our control to the machines to decide what is best for us or would we still have oversight?
In any case, it is fascinating to imagine, what mankind would do with endless leisure. Engage in endless sport and gaming, dive deeper and deeper into the realm of philosophy or engage in further scientific research in collaboration with the machines to find out the greatest possible extent of human achievement? Would humans and machines together embark upon inter-stellar expansion and colonization or would they be happy with their earthly utopia?
Humans will integrate with machines- This is not as scary as it sounds. We are already relying on our smart phones for a host of things which needed us to get out of the house and physically take care of- things like banking, shopping, entertainment, even participating in international conferences. Hundred years from now it will be normal for human to integrate with machines on both a physical and mental level. We will have developed abilities and functions that would be truly super human by today's standards.
Technology would have made us oblivious to injury and disease by augmenting and enhancing our limbs and organs, giving us extraordinary physical capabilities. The coming together of augmented reality, artificial intelligence, robotics, neuroscience and a slew of yet to be discovered technologies will bring us as close to an almost god-like existence as is possible. It will be a time when the virtual and real world will merge and become one. All the computer imagery that you might create would be real for you to experience.
Humans will achieve immortality- The eternal human quest for immortality will likely find fruition a century from now, albeit in a virtual form. But then there would be no distinction between the real and the virtual in that world. You would upload your consciousness, the sum of your memories and your very essence into the virtual world and live for an eternity. At to what sort of social consequences that could lead to could be the subject of a sci fi novel!
Monday, July 9, 2018
Artificial Intelligence in Daily Life
We hear about how artificial intelligence has become all
pervasive making its way into all kinds of systems and gadgets. People view
artificial intelligence with a bit of wariness, because of its perceived
nature-one that is perhaps autonomous from human control. People fear that it might somehow make humans
a little or totally redundant and that is a feeling they are not very
comfortable with! Sometimes the fear of artificial intelligence almost turns
into hostility when one perceives that it might take away one’s right to work
and earn a livelihood.
Of course most of these fears are unfounded and artificial
technology is just another technology created by humans to make their own lives
better. Sure its autonomous nature causes
one to think of the best way of deploying it, but these are challenges mankind
has always grappled with. From using the first horse drawn carriage to an
automobile and finally an aircraft, humans always faced a struggle with regard
to accepting a new, albeit better way of doing things. This was because of the
perceived threat of disruption that the adoption of any new technology carried.
As time went by of course, these so called disruptive technologies became a
part of our lives.
Perhaps people would not be as apprehensive of artificial
technology making an appearance in their lives, if they realized that the
technology is already a part of their daily lives, possibly without their being
aware of it. Yet they are safe and sound, and not under the despotic rule of
some robotic autocrat! That should
certainly make them feel more accepting of AI in their lives.
of the Use of AI in Our Daily Lives
You probably think nothing of an Amazon making a
recommendation about a book or a ride sharing app like Uber organizing a cab
and calculating the price that you need to pay in no time? How does Netflix come to a conclusion that
you might want to watch a certain show?
Well that’s artificial intelligence at work for you. Using algorithms that analyse your
preferences and needs, product and service companies can come up with just what
you might need or desire at a point in time. This has taken some getting used
to by people who are often stumped to receive notifications in their mail or
social media about products and services they were at the moment contemplating
However, AI is used not just for pesky marketing approaches,
but for things that we would be truly grateful about. For instance by using
location data collated from smartphones, Google Maps is able to analyse the traffic
situation that is likely to confront you on your daily commute and suggest the
optimal route to take saving you valuable time and money.
Aircraft have been flying on autopilot that could be defined
as a variant of AI technology for as long as one can remember. Now, that hasn’t
resulted in pilots getting laid off in large numbers. In fact, not a single one
has been sacked for that reason till date. In fact it has made the airline pilots’
lives a lot easier!
Business Opportunity
Companies around the world realize that AI is having a
seminal impact upon how businesses will conduct their affairs. It is not
surprising therefore to discover that a very large proportion of start-ups
these days are centered upon artificial intelligence. In terms of ubiquity you
could say that AI s going the way of data. Everybody is going for it.
The way things are panning out, AI will soon be incorporated
in literally everything. From healthcare
and logistics to law and transportation AI is increasingly being deployed
across sectors that are the pillars of our everyday lives. By some accounts AI is expected to add a
whopping $1.2 trillion to the value of business globally, which is 70% more
than the figure for the corresponding period last year. In fact it is estimated
that the value derived from AI could well touch $3.9 trillion by 2022.
Saturday, June 23, 2018
Do Companies Need An Artificial Intelligence Strategy?
That artificial
intelligence has had an enormous impact on the way business organizations
conduct their affairs is already an undisputed fact. In fact, the time has come for businesses of
scale to seriously analyse the impact that artificial intelligence or AI is
having on their businesses, so as to be able to optimally leverage its immense
advantages. Rather than view it as a mere productivity or efficiency tool that
they have to budget for, they should formulate an artificial intelligence
Advantages of Having an AI Strategy in
Perspective- It is all very well to
get enamored with new fangled terminology and think of inducting artificial
intelligence technology into one's business process like everyone else seems to
be doing. But unless one is able to dove-tail it to one’s strategic business
objective, one would have spent a fair amount of money without much reason.
With all the talk about how the
adoption of AI technology is extremely important if businesses are to stay
profitable in the digital era, having a well thought out strategy about optimally
leveraging AI is the crucial first step. They have to be able to determine the
value that the implementation of AI imparts to their organization before they
actually invest in it.
2. Putting
Data to Good Use- Making sense of the vast amounts of data that businesses
come by is right up the AI street. Ensuring that you deploy AI to make big data
work for you has to be part of your AI strategy. It will allow your business to
make sense of huge amounts of information about your customers in an optimally
efficient manner.
Engaging with
Your Employees-With all the bad press that AI gets as a job killer you need
to use AI to empower and grow your manpower along with the business. Like all
technology, AI is best used as an enabler than this indiscriminate disruptor.
Remember we are talking about intelligence here, not brawn. A smart AI strategy
will enable you to do just that.
Intelligence Is All About Training- AI starts off with what may be termed
bare algorithms, which in a sense acquire intelligence, only after receiving
training, working with vast amounts of company data. This is something that
many people who are thinking of going in for AI have no clue about. An AI
strategy can help one obtain a better grasp of the implementation roll out.
to Organize AI- Important as proficiency in data management is for the successful
implementation of AI, the ability to organize
it in a manner that people from different disciplines are able to work in
tandem with AI experts is just as significant. To be able to manage such a
diverse team will necessarily require business leaders to both develop a core
understanding of how AI functions and make it relatable across the board.
to Synergize Humans and Computers- This calls for reorganizing a company’s
organizational structure in a manner that it becomes flexible enough for people
to work in consonance with machines. A change in the cultural values of a
company, which will be necessarily accompany the introduction of AI, will be
extremely challenging and something that will have to be managed with deftness
and sensitivity.
Impact Of AI On Jobs- A favorite bugbear for opponents of AI is its
perceived negative impact on jobs. In reality, AI is expected to have a far more benign effect upon employment, though
it will definitely lead to an evolution in the way jobs are performed. Most
people would only need to prepare to take on a different role of deploying AI
to help enhance a business's performance, rather than face the prospect of
unemployment. Having an AI strategy will
help a business dispel any negativity that the planned adoption of AI
technology might otherwise engender.
For The Future- The rate of adoption of AI may not be all that right now,
but it is growing exponentially and sooner rather than later it will become all
pervasive across industries. Companies who have already formulated a definite
strategy to incorporate it into their business processes will be at a definite
advantage in the years ahead when AI is expected to transform our very society.
coming decades will see businesses innovate in ways that will usher in
unimaginable levels of efficiency and output-all thanks to AI. It is for
companies to ready themselves for the exciting times ahead than fear the
changes to come.
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
How To Save Your Job From A Robot?
Just a few years back an article like this would sound like the title of a sci-fi story, but most will agree that this is a scenario most people would have worried about at some point or the other. The way that automation, driven by relentless technological change and advancement has made jobs redundant across industries is a specter that is all too real for people, to not worry about it.
“Where are we headed? Are there going to be any jobs left for humans to do at all?

In any case, there is no doubt about the fact that you do need to do something about the situation, even if it means acquiring new skills that will ensure your employability in a world swarming with robots! Not exactly, but you know what I mean. Maybe, you should take some steps to save your job from a robot. Here’s what these might be:
1. Know Your Enemy- If you can’t beat them join them! Well, at least try to understand the threat that you face from them. If you are an Uber driver in the US, you might be genuinely concerned about driver-less cars rendering you jobless in a few years’ time. On the other hand, if you are an Uber driver in India, no way are driver-less car a threat to one’s livelihood, for another decade and a half, given the state of the roads and traffic here!
1. Know Your Enemy- If you can’t beat them join them! Well, at least try to understand the threat that you face from them. If you are an Uber driver in the US, you might be genuinely concerned about driver-less cars rendering you jobless in a few years’ time. On the other hand, if you are an Uber driver in India, no way are driver-less car a threat to one’s livelihood, for another decade and a half, given the state of the roads and traffic here!
You may even want to turn around the situation to your advantage. Say you are a marketing manager who needs to enhance business generation in a hurry. You may want to leverage technology and create an automated lead funnel by optimizing your online customer outreach. So rather than technology taking away your job, it may provide it with a fresh lease of life.
2. Revel In Being Human- This may appear counter intuitive, but this may be the best way to ensure that the robots never take away your job. You have got to remember that robots are created by human to serve humans. So enhance an inherently human skill, that a robot will find difficult to replicate. This is usually possible in distinctly human realms.
2. Revel In Being Human- This may appear counter intuitive, but this may be the best way to ensure that the robots never take away your job. You have got to remember that robots are created by human to serve humans. So enhance an inherently human skill, that a robot will find difficult to replicate. This is usually possible in distinctly human realms.
For instance a robot might provide a technical resolution to a problem, but it lacks the human interface which becomes a problem in managing customer relationships. That’s an opportunity for customer service personnel with superior people management skills. Alternatively, take the case of content creation, writing and translation. Though there already is software that can perform some of those tasks, it is clearly not the same thing.
Human beings need a philosophy of life in order to be happily successful. That cannot come from robots. You can’t have a robot CEO manage the strategic affairs of a company!
3. Use The Robots- Remember that robots are nothing more than tools and machines to help you accomplish goals with greater efficiency and in the process provide you more quality leisure time. When the automobile was invented mankind didn’t fear that their legs would atrophy. Instead, they learnt to drive the damn thing and achieve far greater mobility than their own legs ever gave them.
3. Use The Robots- Remember that robots are nothing more than tools and machines to help you accomplish goals with greater efficiency and in the process provide you more quality leisure time. When the automobile was invented mankind didn’t fear that their legs would atrophy. Instead, they learnt to drive the damn thing and achieve far greater mobility than their own legs ever gave them.
There is nothing that stops one from acquiring the skills required to leverage the benefits offered by new age technologies like robotics, the Internet of Things, Augmented Reality and all the other wonderful stuff that we keep hearing about. Don’t fear robots. Welcome them to your life. If anything they will only add value to it.
Human beings have a tremendous capacity to absorb new technology in their lives and become the better for it. There was similar fear and consternation among workers when the industrial revolution was around the corner. But everything worked out quite alright and nobody any more insists that we go back to the ear of horse drawn carriages and chicken pox!
4. Math and Science Are Important- Remember that much of the job creation in the coming years is going to be in the high technology realm. The inexorable growth in the use of AI or artificial intelligence will lead to the creation of a slew of jobs requiring the employees to be proficient in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
For instance the expertise of a data scientist is already one of the most in demand skills, on account of the advantages that accrue to companies that can effectively leverage big data. Now this was a job that didn’t even exist not all that many years back!
The only thing that is constant in today’s times is the fact that nothing is constant and static, including keeping pace with technology. With redundancy dogging the heels of every new technology that ever gets invented and implemented, staying not just abreast, but ahead of the curve is the best way to ensure one’s relevance in the job market.
Conclusion- While there will certainly be some jobs lost to technology, there is no danger to humans’ ability to find gainful employment on a mass scale. The world is too large and complex for such a situation to occur.
Besides, like other technologies before it, robotics and AI too will ultimately lead to enhanced efficiency and growth, albeit on an unprecedented scale unprecedented scale. That can hardly be the cause of mass unemployment. On the contrary, there will be whole new categories of jobs being created all the time. Here’s to a brave new world!
Friday, January 12, 2018
Blockchain Technology Has More To It Than Cryptocurrency
The rise and rise of Bitcoin valuation has everybody talking excitedly about the technology that makes cryptocurrencies like that possible. This has shifted attention from the enormous impact that this technology is beginning to have in a whole array of areas that may have nothing to do with digital currencies like Bitcoin.
Before we delve into what those seminal changes might be, we have to get a handle on something called a smart contract, which is a central premise of blockchain technology. The term itself describes a technology that has the ability to substitute legal contracts with digitization and automation. This would cut down delays in successfully carrying out transactions that is the norm in conventional contacts. The moment a delivery would happen a payment would get made.
These days smart contract has come to denote the software that makes computation on blockchain possible. That brings us to what blockchain itself is. To the uninitiated, it can be described as a widely distributed and highly decentralized ledger that has been cryptographically secured. Each block within the ledger is referenced to the previous block and all the approved transactions, since that approval.
Now this transaction may pertain to myriad things. Everything from government, logistics, and education to healthcare, manufacturing and energy can leverage the properties of blockchain technology to obtain unprecedented enhancement in scale and efficiency. It is estimated that the adoption of blockchain technology across industries will add value to the extent of trillions of dollars in the next twelve years.
Let us look at the ways blockchain technology could prove to be a major disruptor in the near future:
1. Decentralized Cloud Storage- Even though we all store a lot of our vital information on the cloud, the fact is that we are queasy about handing control of important aspects of our lives to another entity. You always worry about how your data might get compromised and misused.
Blockchain data storage will resolve that problem in one fell swoop. No longer will any single entity be the sole custodian of all your data. Besides, the level of security will be a lot higher in the case of blockchain data storage on account of the very nature of the technology. This is because multiple copies of every transaction exist on multiple computers making hacking impossible.
2. Digital Security- Everyone knows that digital security is a huge issue worldwide. This is something on which billions of dollars are being spent annually. Blockchain technology can provide a secure way of carrying out all manner of digital transactions. If for instance, banks were to adopt blockchain technology, their customers could receive a secure digital ID rather than have accounts opened in their name. What's more, only they would have access to both the details of the account and the funds therein. Even the banks would not possess the ability to access their customers' funds!
3. Transformation Across Sectors- The application of blockchain technology across sectors is only a matter of time. Take the case of the real estate sector where there is a lot of opacity in the transactions. Often the records are inaccurate due to mistakes or fraud. Plus there is loads of paperwork. Blockchain technology can comprehensively cleanse the system of all these problems. With very little paperwork involved and the documents becoming easily verifiable with regard to their accuracy, issues pertaining to the transfer of title will be a thing of the past.
Healthcare institutions like hospitals can share vital information across their networks without in any way compromising the sensitive data being conveyed. Similarly, blockchain technology can make the voting system faster, more accurate and extremely secure.
Before we delve into what those seminal changes might be, we have to get a handle on something called a smart contract, which is a central premise of blockchain technology. The term itself describes a technology that has the ability to substitute legal contracts with digitization and automation. This would cut down delays in successfully carrying out transactions that is the norm in conventional contacts. The moment a delivery would happen a payment would get made.
These days smart contract has come to denote the software that makes computation on blockchain possible. That brings us to what blockchain itself is. To the uninitiated, it can be described as a widely distributed and highly decentralized ledger that has been cryptographically secured. Each block within the ledger is referenced to the previous block and all the approved transactions, since that approval.
Now this transaction may pertain to myriad things. Everything from government, logistics, and education to healthcare, manufacturing and energy can leverage the properties of blockchain technology to obtain unprecedented enhancement in scale and efficiency. It is estimated that the adoption of blockchain technology across industries will add value to the extent of trillions of dollars in the next twelve years.
Let us look at the ways blockchain technology could prove to be a major disruptor in the near future:
1. Decentralized Cloud Storage- Even though we all store a lot of our vital information on the cloud, the fact is that we are queasy about handing control of important aspects of our lives to another entity. You always worry about how your data might get compromised and misused.
Blockchain data storage will resolve that problem in one fell swoop. No longer will any single entity be the sole custodian of all your data. Besides, the level of security will be a lot higher in the case of blockchain data storage on account of the very nature of the technology. This is because multiple copies of every transaction exist on multiple computers making hacking impossible.
2. Digital Security- Everyone knows that digital security is a huge issue worldwide. This is something on which billions of dollars are being spent annually. Blockchain technology can provide a secure way of carrying out all manner of digital transactions. If for instance, banks were to adopt blockchain technology, their customers could receive a secure digital ID rather than have accounts opened in their name. What's more, only they would have access to both the details of the account and the funds therein. Even the banks would not possess the ability to access their customers' funds!
3. Transformation Across Sectors- The application of blockchain technology across sectors is only a matter of time. Take the case of the real estate sector where there is a lot of opacity in the transactions. Often the records are inaccurate due to mistakes or fraud. Plus there is loads of paperwork. Blockchain technology can comprehensively cleanse the system of all these problems. With very little paperwork involved and the documents becoming easily verifiable with regard to their accuracy, issues pertaining to the transfer of title will be a thing of the past.
Healthcare institutions like hospitals can share vital information across their networks without in any way compromising the sensitive data being conveyed. Similarly, blockchain technology can make the voting system faster, more accurate and extremely secure.
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